Knowbe4 - How to complete policy training


How to complete the policy training in the Knowbe4 platform.



This documentation provides guidance on how to complete the Knowbe4 training platforms policy training modules.

This includes step-by-step instructions for policy training completion.


NOTE: The examples shown might not be the same exact policy you are completing. The steps will be similar.

NOTE: The examples shown are done by completion on Microsoft Edge. You may be using another browser on another operating system such as macOS. The steps will be similar.


How To:

  • Once you click the policy training module click start.

KnowBe4 training platform. Red arrow pointing towards the green start button saying click start.


  • When you click start a pop out browser should show up. Read the entire policy.


KnowBe4 training platform. Red arrow pointing towards pop out window and says to read policy.


  • After you read the entire policy click the exit button on the top right. (If on another browser/operating system click the exit button leave the pop out browser)


Image of the KnowBe4 training platform. Red arrow pointing towards the exit button of the popout window and says when done close page.


  • Once you close the policy you will be returned to the Knowbe4 Training platform. Click the green accept button to compete the policy.


KnowBe4 training platform. Red arrow pointing towards checkbox to accept the policy.


  • Once you clicked accept the policy training module will be completed.


Related Knowbe4 articles:
Knowbe4 - How to complete policy training



If you need further assistance, please submit a ticket here: I Need Help, or call the IT Service Desk at  (585) 395-5151 Option 1



Article ID: 146155
Wed 6/14/23 12:44 PM
Wed 11/1/23 9:28 AM