Accounts & Identities at Brockport


Your Banner ID is your unique student identification number at SUNY Brockport. It is a nine digit number beginning with 800, followed by 6 other digits. You can find your Banner ID on your Student Bill or on your EagleOne ID card. It is important that you remember your Banner ID as it will often be used to help identify you to University systems and offices.


Your NetID (short for Network ID) is your primary username at SUNY Brockport.

For New Undergraduate, Graduate, International, and Study Abroad students your NetID is the first letter of your first name, followed by the first 4 letters of your last name, then a number. Students will have a NetID and Brockport Email generated within 72 hours of paying your deposit to attend Brockport. 

For Transfer Students your NetID to access Degreeworks to view transfer credits only will be created upon acceptance to Brockport.  Your Brockport Email address will be generated within 72 hours of paying your deposit to attend Brockport.

For Employees your NetID is the first letter of your first name followed by your full last name. The process for an Employee NetID to be created will begin once they have been entered in the SUNY HR system by Brockport's HR office. Once official employee information is received on the automated report to BITS, the NetID will be created prior to the Employees start date. 

** Please note: The SUNY Brockport Admissions Portal username and password is different than your NetID/Email username and password.  If you are unable to access the applicant portal, please click the "forgot password?" link on the log in page, and enter the email address you used to apply to Brockport to reset your password. If you are still unable to access the SUNY Brockport Admissions Portal, please contact the appropriate Admissions office for assistance.**

To activate / start using your account, follow the instructions below: 

  1. Go to
  2. Select “Information For” drop down menu
  3. Then select the appropriate group you belong to
  4. Select “Webmail”
  5. Select “Sign In”
  6. Enter your full Brockport email (
  7. Click “Next”
  8. Click “Forgot my password”
  9. Complete the captcha and click “Next”
  10. Select “I forgot my password” and click “Next”
  11. New students should have an option to have a code sent to the email address they applied to Brockport with, current students should have the option to use the phone number or email address you enrolled with. 
  12. Once you receive the code, enter the code and click reset password.  
    • Note:  Brockport encourages you to set a strong Brockport specific pass phrase for your account. The University password policy is viewable in its entirety here


Your official email address is your NetID followed by This will be generated for you within 72 hours of paying your new student/tuition deposit or having it waived. Once your email is generated you will have access to all of the other campus services and systems, such as: 

NOTE: You will need to pay your new student/tuition deposit before you have access to all of these services

Your email is located at Office 365. Your login is your official email address (netid@brockport). The password is your NetID password which you use for other campus services such as Brightspace.  The University will send you official emails (also known as Bmail) to this address, so you should be sure to check it regularly. You will begin to receive Bmail before you arrive on campus for your first semester.

More information about campus email can be found at Bmail Information.

ResNet: Internet, Cable, Telephone for Resident Students

SUNY Brockport contracts out services for Internet and cable television in our residence halls. See ResNet for more information.

Library Accounts

Drake Library provides several services. 

Your Library Card account and Interlibrary Loan account use your NetID and password. Most of our database providers also provide you an account where you can save your search results. These accounts are not tied to your NetID.

NetID Expiration

See Brockport's policy on Retention of IT Privileges.

Still Need Help?

If you need further assistance, please click the I Need Help button on this article, or call the IT Service Desk at (585) 395-5151 Option 1.



Article ID: 79603
Wed 6/5/19 7:59 AM
Fri 5/31/24 1:53 PM

Related Services / Offerings

Related Services / Offerings (1)

This service can be used to ask for IT assistance if you are not sure which form to use or if you are having trouble signing into a campus system such as Banner or email.