Updating RAVE Contact Information

RAVE is the SUNY-wide Emergency Notification System. This system will relay emergency messages to students by phone, email, or fax. In order to receive these notifications, students must sign up. For new transfer students, they may not be able to sign up right away. Contact the IT Service Desk bu placing a ticket here: I Need Help  or Call 585-395-5151 Option 1. The limitations of sign up are as follows:

  • For incoming transfer students, they will not get loaded to RAVE until approximately 10 days before the start day of the semester.
  • For incoming freshmen (non-transfers), they will be loaded to RAVE at the beginning of July. This is because they may need to be alerted by the system during their orientation stays. 


Updating RAVE

1. Login to Brockport's Web Banner 

2. Click on the 'Personal Information' option

3. Choose the 'Update Campus-Wide Emergency Alert Information (RAVE)

You will be redirected to a new page which looks like this:


NOTE: Make sure you read and agree to the Terms of Use

4. You will be taken to the home page where your name, email and associated phones / devices are shown

Personal devices homepage

While here, you will be able to update, add or delete any of your information. 

Use this button to edit your information already in the RAVE system:

Edit logo 

And use this button to add a new phone number, email address, or another contact point

Add button

In the case of an alert or emergency, each contact point you add will be notified. If you register a phone number, you will recieve a phone call and text regarding the situation, etc.