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List of common terms with definitions used in campus security documents and communications.
Answers to common questions about Brockport's Multi-factor authentication.
On March 1, 2023, the White House published an updated National Cybersecurity Strategy. The newest strategy is significant for many reasons. The federal government has learned many lessons in the past 20 years from dealing with malicious nation state actors, widespread criminal activity, and overt election interference. Public/private partnership efforts undertaken since the first strategy release, have also clearly informed this newest strategy in some insightful ways.
What do phishers, scammers, criminals on the internet want? Increasingly they want user credentials.
Newer devices support newer operating systems and provide additional security features built into the hardware. It's important to stay up to date in order to get the best protections.
Recently SUNY Brockport experienced an account compromise leading to a campus wide phishing email. It was quickly reported to BITS and our office responded quickly to regain control of the account and assess what happened.
How to sign in and select training in the Knowbe4 plaftorm.
How to complete the policy training in the Knowbe4 platform.